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Paintings on canvas

While Laurie has been particularly focused on painting, he is constantly looking to other disciplines to broaden his horizon.

Live painting on video

Live painting on video

Currently Laurie is working with film makers to explore new ways to capture his work and explore the possibilities within the realm of video art.

Sonic Renderings

“I’ve always tried to work with live musicians when creating paintings. This continued in the Netherlands with classical and flamenco cellist Eloi Jorda, together and with the help of some very talented musicians from Andalusia, we created the Andalusian Series of works, which my first serious paintings in the Netherlands.

In 2020 I began hosting a weekly garden jam and painting night outside my atelier. Love Wave was created during one of these first performances. This has lead to me developing a new style of working specifically for these performanced based works, normally with a time limit of between 30 minutes to 3 hours.

I am continually refining and experimenting with new techniques and materials to see what can be possible in a short time frame and hopefully also something exciting to engage with the musician/musicians I’m working with.”
